Thursday 2 March 2017

Titanfall 2 Review...

So I know I'm a little late to the party, and I know that this game came out the back of end of last year, but I've only just picked this up today. I got the Deluxe Edition for £28.00, absolute bargain! Oh and by the way you can pick up the PC version of the original Titanfall for £6.67 or £7.99 for the Xbox One version... I'm too good to you!

EA are having a massive publisher sale at the moment on Xbox, and maybe even other platforms, but I can't really confirm that. Pretty much all of their mainstream games are on sale, you can pick up Fifa 17 for £27.00 (Standard edition) and there's a double pack of Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 Deluxe for just under £40.00. Mahoosive bargain and money saving potential right there.

*Warning Potential Spoilers* 

So now down to the nitty gritty and my thoughts about this game. I never got the opportunity to play the Beta/Mech Tests, so it is solely based on the completed game. The first major difference between this one and its predecessor is that it has a single-player campaign. A long overdue one might I add. You start the game by doing a calibration inside a Titan, like in the first one, then carry out a training exercise. You have to complete this within 2 minutes and the time it takes you determines your recommended skill level for continuing the game (It recommended that I play mine on Hard - fook that). Once you have completed your induction if you like, and battle through a couple of scenarios, you get your very own Titan called BT. You can develop a relationship with BT, by picking your own answer to the questions he asks you, and your responses are tailored to the environment. I haven't played far enough through yet, so I'm not too sure if the choices you make and answers you provide will have that much of a massive impact on the game, but I'll let you know as I play through it.

I am instantly attached to BT, and rather than just being a 'Mech suit' it actually has a personality of its own, and its sole job is to follow the mission and protect the pilot (you). I can see the relationship developing quite nicely, and the humour and sassiness the developers have added to BT's dialogue, has made me giggle a couple of times, I'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.

Now there doesn't appear to many main story missions, though further expansion may be available for this. The missions that I have played through seem at best a little mediocre, and a some a little bit tedious. I found myself falling off certain parts of the map a few times, trying to reach the destination. There is a cool new feature which is a 'Ghost Route' this is basically a tutorial which shows you the route you need to take to reach your destination, and then you replicate it, not as easy as it sounds, and can become frustrating especially considering you don't get your double jump ability immediately.

I have played a handful of missions and noticed that you come across a boss battle in the early stages of the game (mission 3), you come across a boss named Kane, who of course has a stronger Titan than you, and has a little titan buddy that fights alongside him. This frustrated the hell out of me, and I just couldn't do it on 'Regular' difficulty, so switched this up to Easy just for that mission (I know I'm a noob, I'm so sorry) and completed it in like 5 seconds, nice 30G achievement for that though as well (it's all about those G's). There are also these really annoying exploding spiders that cause absolute chaos... you barely manage to get away from one, but there were 6 that came at me... like come on, chill pal.

I think the game seems to flow better, there has obviously not been much change in the core development of the game, the controls seem much more fluid, and it's a lot easier to combine skills such as a double jump with a wall jump, I don't now there's just something about it that just seems to flow a little bit better, the core gameplay has not changed, but it somehow just feels like a brand new game, albeit a little mediocre, I feel there could have been more development time spent in campaign, but hey I get why not, there's only about 5% of people who actually bother to complete the whole thing.
The Exploding Spider Bombs!

It is clear to me that most of the development of this game has been focussed around Multiplayer. I found Multiplayer a really pleasurable experience, with quick loading screens and pretty decent matchmaking, there weren't any players who were hundreds of levels above you killing everyone and everything in site, it all seemed to flow well. There's a nice option to also choose your own server, it has a handy stat telling you what the ping is, making your online games flow better.

There are a few cool new titans and load outs that have come with the Deluxe edition of the game, one with an awesome plasma rifle! There is a store option where you can buy premium load outs and titans to use in-game, they're about £4.00 each, not really sure how much of an advantage they give you, because I haven't bought them.

There are a couple of new game modes that have been added online, 'Live Fire' which is kind of like Capture the Flag mixed with Hardpoint and a bit of Search and Destroy, the aim of the game is to either kill the entire opposing team, or be holding the flag when the time runs out, it's very fast paced, wham bam thank you mam action, something I like and it flows beautifully in Titanfall 2. You now also have the option of searching for games that you only want to play, and all the classics are back, Capture the Flag, Hardpoint, Free-for-all, Team Deatmatch (although not called that). It is nice to see some nice large maps, suited to all player types, whether you're the run and gun type, or the sniper or the medium range fighther, there is plenty for everyone. It is also nice to see the return of some familiar maps, and the return of AI as well, everytime I kill loads of Ai I always feel like an absolute champion haha. The last titan standing is an awesome game mode as well, whoever holds on for 3 rounds is the winner, or literally until the last titan stands, that'll never be me! :D

Overall I would highly reccomend this game to people who enjoy games such as COD, or Destiny, or any other similar shooter game, the single player campaign is slighlty lacking, but I think it more than makes up for it in mutliplayer, and there's no better time to buy it, with how cheap it is.

Dweelan's Game Rating:

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