I love Gordan Ramsey, and I love these memes. Maybe I should change the name of this thing to Meme Monday rather than Funday Monday...
Monday, 27 March 2017
Monday, 20 March 2017
Funday Monday #8...
You will only get this meme, if you've spent a little bit of time playing the story as Trevor and watching this relationship develop... LOL!
Monday, 13 March 2017
Funday Monday #7...
Happy Monday morning!
If you've ever spent a bit of time playing Minecraft, then you would have no doubt bumped into one of these sssssssuckers!
If you've ever spent a bit of time playing Minecraft, then you would have no doubt bumped into one of these sssssssuckers!
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Titanfall 2 Final Campaign Thoughts...
I have now completed the Titanfall 2 Campaign, and my initial thoughts of the campaign have massively changed, oh my giddy aunt is there some intense fricken missions, I'll go through my experience, my likes and dislikes. Because why the hell not? If nobody else reads this or cares, at least I do and it's wasted some time so hey ho!
Titanfall 2 has 9 main campaign missions, the game is still not that old, so there's a possibility of some single player expansion (Here's to hoping).
The main storyline is mediocre in my opinion, and similar to recent Call of Duty storylines, there are typically 2 factions/nations/clans (or whatever) that are enemies, and the goal is to simply destroy the faction and stop them from trying to take over the world. *Spoiler* Or destroy a planet, or stop them trying to create a superweapon in this case, which would ultimately lead to them destroying a Planet aptly named 'Harmony'. It's not surprising that they've adopted this samey approach, I get the feeling that they didn't particularly want to put much development time into the campaign, and the same Devs have worked on the Modern Warfare campaign previously as well, so they've obviously stuck with a format that works.
In total it took me around 5-6 hours to complete the campaign, though It's possible that this could take around 4-6 hours, as it depends on how many times you fall off the map, or get crushed, or miss a wall jump if you're anything like me it will take you longer because I'm constantly dying and misjudging moving objects and god awful skinny platforms.
*More spoilers ahead*
If you are an achievement hunter then you're in for a massive treat, because you can quite easily pick up around 600G (gamerscore) without even having to try, you can even do this on 'Easy' mode, but if you want to go for the full 1000, you'll need to complete the campaign on every difficulty, and go hunting a little bit to find some in-mission collectables (Pilot helmets) you get a rare achievement and 90G if you're an Xbox One player, and I guess this would be similar in terms of trophies on PS4 too. In order to maximise the amount of gamerscore you get in your first playthrough, I would recommend trying every Titan Loadout, and killing other Titans with your core ability, you can quite easily pick up 15G's a piece for using Sword Core, Laser Core and for killing 3 Titans in a row using one of your core abilities. If you're wondering what a Core ability is, it's basically your super weapon which charges over time, it's vital for you to use it at the right times. There is so much more I could say but I'll leave it there for you.
When I wrote my initial thoughts and review on the game, I had played 3 campaign missions, this was far too early for me to have a decent opinion on the campaign, and I was reluctant to complete it, but I'm so glad I did. Mission number 5 is where the game changes for me and becomes a unique game that I have been dying to get stuck into for some time. This mission is called 'Effect and Cause' (yes I have that the right way around). This mission is a real game changer for me and it's at this point in the game that I can really see the Titanfall 2 Campaign shine and is the whole reason I continued to play this game through to the end. The mission puts you at a research facility, which has been destroyed, there are fires and debris everywhere, it's impossible for there to be any sign of life here. Your primary objective is to locate a pilot and gather intel from him. As you progress through the facility you start to see distortions, and you start seeing flashbacks to previous points in time when the Research Facility was still standing and was populated.
As you continue you collect a wrist watch/device and you use it to alternate through different realities, you use this device to travel through time, you can use this as many times as you like to manoeuvre yourself around the facility and try and find your exit. When you go back to the past, the research facility is still standing, there is a professor lecturing some students, there are guards patrolling the hallways, everything is as clear as day and all is well with the world. It is crucial you use this wrist device as you need to activate control panels in the past to open your exits in the present day, and there's a pretty tricky bit where you have to fall down a shaft with fast moving propellers, and you have to time travel perfectly to avoid you getting all squished. You get unlimited use of this device, and this is something that sets this game apart from similar single player campaigns in its genre. You come across a fire, or you're being attacked by guards or robots, no problem switch between past and present and avoid your death, it is that simple and it is that awesome. - Please continue to develop stuff like this Respawn (we love you).
Now one of my main gripes throughout the campaign though is that there are some really tricky areas where you need to get to without falling off the map or plunging to your death, there are electric walls and floors you have to avoid, long jumps which you have to make perfectly, and multiple wall-runs between multiple walls, all of which causes a great deal of frustration when you a just a noob gamer, I mean come on give us guys a break.
As the story progresses you start to prepare for all out warfare, and there is one particular mission where you get to work with your faction, complete a Titanfall exercise (basically multiple Titans deployed to a location, and you get to kick the living daylights out of other Titans and IMC Guards (The enemy faction). The story is suspenseful and full of action-packed cutscenes and major on the edge of your seat type stuff, you get to defeat around 5 Bosses which are different variations of Titans and look awesome (but look even more awesome when you defeat them) and each one you defeat you pick up some nice G's for it, pretty sure it is 30G a piece.
I am overall quite impressed with the Campaign, and if it wasn't for a few mundane and time-consuming missions, where you have to search for certain items or find someone, then this would be a perfect 5, but just misses out due to earlier missions, but we can't have our cake and eat it, now can we?
So I have to give a rating based on my experience of the full campaign, and the Effect and Cause mission, the cutscenes, the epic suspense, the unique weapons based interface, and the smooth controls and battle movements strongly outweigh the negatives, the only thing that lets it down is the same old same old mundane storyline, but hey they executed it awesomely!
Titanfall 2 has 9 main campaign missions, the game is still not that old, so there's a possibility of some single player expansion (Here's to hoping).
The main storyline is mediocre in my opinion, and similar to recent Call of Duty storylines, there are typically 2 factions/nations/clans (or whatever) that are enemies, and the goal is to simply destroy the faction and stop them from trying to take over the world. *Spoiler* Or destroy a planet, or stop them trying to create a superweapon in this case, which would ultimately lead to them destroying a Planet aptly named 'Harmony'. It's not surprising that they've adopted this samey approach, I get the feeling that they didn't particularly want to put much development time into the campaign, and the same Devs have worked on the Modern Warfare campaign previously as well, so they've obviously stuck with a format that works.
In total it took me around 5-6 hours to complete the campaign, though It's possible that this could take around 4-6 hours, as it depends on how many times you fall off the map, or get crushed, or miss a wall jump if you're anything like me it will take you longer because I'm constantly dying and misjudging moving objects and god awful skinny platforms.
*More spoilers ahead*
If you are an achievement hunter then you're in for a massive treat, because you can quite easily pick up around 600G (gamerscore) without even having to try, you can even do this on 'Easy' mode, but if you want to go for the full 1000, you'll need to complete the campaign on every difficulty, and go hunting a little bit to find some in-mission collectables (Pilot helmets) you get a rare achievement and 90G if you're an Xbox One player, and I guess this would be similar in terms of trophies on PS4 too. In order to maximise the amount of gamerscore you get in your first playthrough, I would recommend trying every Titan Loadout, and killing other Titans with your core ability, you can quite easily pick up 15G's a piece for using Sword Core, Laser Core and for killing 3 Titans in a row using one of your core abilities. If you're wondering what a Core ability is, it's basically your super weapon which charges over time, it's vital for you to use it at the right times. There is so much more I could say but I'll leave it there for you.
When I wrote my initial thoughts and review on the game, I had played 3 campaign missions, this was far too early for me to have a decent opinion on the campaign, and I was reluctant to complete it, but I'm so glad I did. Mission number 5 is where the game changes for me and becomes a unique game that I have been dying to get stuck into for some time. This mission is called 'Effect and Cause' (yes I have that the right way around). This mission is a real game changer for me and it's at this point in the game that I can really see the Titanfall 2 Campaign shine and is the whole reason I continued to play this game through to the end. The mission puts you at a research facility, which has been destroyed, there are fires and debris everywhere, it's impossible for there to be any sign of life here. Your primary objective is to locate a pilot and gather intel from him. As you progress through the facility you start to see distortions, and you start seeing flashbacks to previous points in time when the Research Facility was still standing and was populated.
As you continue you collect a wrist watch/device and you use it to alternate through different realities, you use this device to travel through time, you can use this as many times as you like to manoeuvre yourself around the facility and try and find your exit. When you go back to the past, the research facility is still standing, there is a professor lecturing some students, there are guards patrolling the hallways, everything is as clear as day and all is well with the world. It is crucial you use this wrist device as you need to activate control panels in the past to open your exits in the present day, and there's a pretty tricky bit where you have to fall down a shaft with fast moving propellers, and you have to time travel perfectly to avoid you getting all squished. You get unlimited use of this device, and this is something that sets this game apart from similar single player campaigns in its genre. You come across a fire, or you're being attacked by guards or robots, no problem switch between past and present and avoid your death, it is that simple and it is that awesome. - Please continue to develop stuff like this Respawn (we love you).
Now one of my main gripes throughout the campaign though is that there are some really tricky areas where you need to get to without falling off the map or plunging to your death, there are electric walls and floors you have to avoid, long jumps which you have to make perfectly, and multiple wall-runs between multiple walls, all of which causes a great deal of frustration when you a just a noob gamer, I mean come on give us guys a break.
As the story progresses you start to prepare for all out warfare, and there is one particular mission where you get to work with your faction, complete a Titanfall exercise (basically multiple Titans deployed to a location, and you get to kick the living daylights out of other Titans and IMC Guards (The enemy faction). The story is suspenseful and full of action-packed cutscenes and major on the edge of your seat type stuff, you get to defeat around 5 Bosses which are different variations of Titans and look awesome (but look even more awesome when you defeat them) and each one you defeat you pick up some nice G's for it, pretty sure it is 30G a piece.
I am overall quite impressed with the Campaign, and if it wasn't for a few mundane and time-consuming missions, where you have to search for certain items or find someone, then this would be a perfect 5, but just misses out due to earlier missions, but we can't have our cake and eat it, now can we?
So I have to give a rating based on my experience of the full campaign, and the Effect and Cause mission, the cutscenes, the epic suspense, the unique weapons based interface, and the smooth controls and battle movements strongly outweigh the negatives, the only thing that lets it down is the same old same old mundane storyline, but hey they executed it awesomely!
Call of Duty,
Titanfall 2,
Xbox One
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
It's Pop Time (Mail Call)...
Everyone loves a good Mail call right? Well, I do! I'm always excited to open little boxes or parcels, even if I know what they are... There's just something about the sound of you tearing off the sellotape, or snipping the plastic wires. It might have something to do with the fact that I am a popaholic and a shopaholic. #yolo.
Anyway, just a quick post this morning to let you know that this beauty has arrived. It is my first exclusive Pop, I believe these were first exclusive to Target in America, although it doesn't have the sticker on!
Oooh, it's so pretty! I'm now a huge fan of Deadpool Pops, and really want to collect them all! One day I have millions upon millions of pops.
You watch this space!
On a side note, I have an interview again for an internal job, later on, today, wish me luck, oh boy will I need it! ;)
I still have another 14 pops on their way, all with different delivery dates, and I only know what 4 of them are!
The ones from the Emerald City Comic Con should be posted shortly, and the mystery ones I'm waiting from Popinabox still... Here's hoping for some exclusives :D
Enjoy your day, and let's all hope this week flys by!
P.S. Cheers for the +1's - Keep them coming ;)
Monday, 6 March 2017
Funday Monday #6...
So we can all relate to this cant we? I mean how often do you honestly get frustrated playing a game? I recently completed GTA V and managed 100% game completion. This included countless hours of dying from stupid deaths like helicopter blades and falling off a fence Grrrr...
Sunday, 5 March 2017
COD AW - RIP My Friend...
So Call of Duty Advanced Warfare is now officially dead, well in my opinion anyway. It was really hard trying to find an online match when the game was actually a little busier, but now it's like pulling teeth! I spent around 2 hours just trying to search for a Team Deathmatch game in the Core playlist, sadly no one joined, and I was there alone :( Shame after all the time, they still haven't fixed the matchmaking.
I know that a lot of people thought that AW was a waste of time, and was a terrible game, but personally, It was one of my favourites, and still will be... I can only hope that they make a reboot but keep the core gameplay the same because it was awesome! It was actually a COD game I was pretty decent at!
All in all, we completed everything there was to complete in our Clan and got to Max Level, and now have the funky red clan tag, which to be honest did look awesome as opposed to the golden coloured one. I am sitting pretty comfortably at Prestige 9 or 10. There's no way I can get any higher with the way the game is...
So today is a sad day, and we put COD AW to rest! Sleep well, my friend...
Black Ops 3 was a mediocre reboot of the Black Ops Series, and lets not even talk about Infinite Warfare or the remaster of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare! I have no words, just disgust... sorry devs but the games are awful, the reviews speak for themselves, please do something to stop the franchise dying a horrible death!
Apologies for the whiney post today! ;)
Advanced Warfare,
Black Ops,
Black Ops 3,
Call of Duty,
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare,
Clan Raids,
Clan Wars,
Infinite Warfare,
Infinity Ward,
Xbox One
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Emerald City Comic Con 2017 (ECCC 2017)...
So the 15th Emerald City Comic Con is upon us until 5th March 2017. This is at the Washington State Convention Centre in Seattle. Unfortunately, I am not there, but maybe one day I will get such a great opportunity, wishful thinking. I never actually have been to a Comic Con, but that is going to change really soon, next opportunity to go somewhere over here, I'm there so let me know if you know any upcoming events.
The main reason I am talking about the ECCC 2017 is because of the Exclusive Pop Vinyls! I am so so
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Stranger Things - Exclusive |
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Pharah - Overwatch - Exclusive |
I have ordered 3 Pops from the convention, and will be revealing all when they arrive, hopefully in the next few days, each Pop was around £14.00, and I had to pay £10.50 postage fees, short term pain for a long term gain? Or I'm just trying to justify my addiction?
In total, I am expecting 14 new Pops, and I have no idea what 10 of them are, 4 of them are exclusive Pops, which I will share with you in another blog post, as well as explaining why I don't know what 10 of the pops will be.
The unboxings will be so much fun!
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Emerald City Crusader - Exclusive |
Have you attended this event? It would be awesome to hear from you if you have!
Have you bought any of these Pops, or are you considering buying any?
Share me a picture of your pops, and they might find their way into my upcoming blog posts :D
Stay tuned to my blog, for the exclusive unboxings, and if you're a little bit nosey like me stick around and check out what my mystery 10 pops are!
See you in the next one ;)
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Titanfall 2 Review...
So I know I'm a little late to the party, and I know that this game came out the back of end of last year, but I've only just picked this up today. I got the Deluxe Edition for £28.00, absolute bargain! Oh and by the way you can pick up the PC version of the original Titanfall for £6.67 or £7.99 for the Xbox One version... I'm too good to you!
EA are having a massive publisher sale at the moment on Xbox, and maybe even other platforms, but I can't really confirm that. Pretty much all of their mainstream games are on sale, you can pick up Fifa 17 for £27.00 (Standard edition) and there's a double pack of Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 Deluxe for just under £40.00. Mahoosive bargain and money saving potential right there.
*Warning Potential Spoilers*
So now down to the nitty gritty and my thoughts about this game. I never got the opportunity to play the Beta/Mech Tests, so it is solely based on the completed game. The first major difference between this one and its predecessor is that it has a single-player campaign. A long overdue one might I add. You start the game by doing a calibration inside a Titan, like in the first one, then carry out a training exercise. You have to complete this within 2 minutes and the time it takes you determines your recommended skill level for continuing the game (It recommended that I play mine on Hard - fook that). Once you have completed your induction if you like, and battle through a couple of scenarios, you get your very own Titan called BT. You can develop a relationship with BT, by picking your own answer to the questions he asks you, and your responses are tailored to the environment. I haven't played far enough through yet, so I'm not too sure if the choices you make and answers you provide will have that much of a massive impact on the game, but I'll let you know as I play through it.
I am instantly attached to BT, and rather than just being a 'Mech suit' it actually has a personality of its own, and its sole job is to follow the mission and protect the pilot (you). I can see the relationship developing quite nicely, and the humour and sassiness the developers have added to BT's dialogue, has made me giggle a couple of times, I'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
Now there doesn't appear to many main story missions, though further expansion may be available for this. The missions that I have played through seem at best a little mediocre, and a some a little bit tedious. I found myself falling off certain parts of the map a few times, trying to reach the destination. There is a cool new feature which is a 'Ghost Route' this is basically a tutorial which shows you the route you need to take to reach your destination, and then you replicate it, not as easy as it sounds, and can become frustrating especially considering you don't get your double jump ability immediately.
I have played a handful of missions and noticed that you come across a boss battle in the early stages of the game (mission 3), you come across a boss named Kane, who of course has a stronger Titan than you, and has a little titan buddy that fights alongside him. This frustrated the hell out of me, and I just couldn't do it on 'Regular' difficulty, so switched this up to Easy just for that mission (I know I'm a noob, I'm so sorry) and completed it in like 5 seconds, nice 30G achievement for that though as well (it's all about those G's). There are also these really annoying exploding spiders that cause absolute chaos... you barely manage to get away from one, but there were 6 that came at me... like come on, chill pal.
I think the game seems to flow better, there has obviously not been much change in the core development of the game, the controls seem much more fluid, and it's a lot easier to combine skills such as a double jump with a wall jump, I don't now there's just something about it that just seems to flow a little bit better, the core gameplay has not changed, but it somehow just feels like a brand new game, albeit a little mediocre, I feel there could have been more development time spent in campaign, but hey I get why not, there's only about 5% of people who actually bother to complete the whole thing.
It is clear to me that most of the development of this game has been focussed around Multiplayer. I found Multiplayer a really pleasurable experience, with quick loading screens and pretty decent matchmaking, there weren't any players who were hundreds of levels above you killing everyone and everything in site, it all seemed to flow well. There's a nice option to also choose your own server, it has a handy stat telling you what the ping is, making your online games flow better.
There are a few cool new titans and load outs that have come with the Deluxe edition of the game, one with an awesome plasma rifle! There is a store option where you can buy premium load outs and titans to use in-game, they're about £4.00 each, not really sure how much of an advantage they give you, because I haven't bought them.
There are a couple of new game modes that have been added online, 'Live Fire' which is kind of like Capture the Flag mixed with Hardpoint and a bit of Search and Destroy, the aim of the game is to either kill the entire opposing team, or be holding the flag when the time runs out, it's very fast paced, wham bam thank you mam action, something I like and it flows beautifully in Titanfall 2. You now also have the option of searching for games that you only want to play, and all the classics are back, Capture the Flag, Hardpoint, Free-for-all, Team Deatmatch (although not called that). It is nice to see some nice large maps, suited to all player types, whether you're the run and gun type, or the sniper or the medium range fighther, there is plenty for everyone. It is also nice to see the return of some familiar maps, and the return of AI as well, everytime I kill loads of Ai I always feel like an absolute champion haha. The last titan standing is an awesome game mode as well, whoever holds on for 3 rounds is the winner, or literally until the last titan stands, that'll never be me! :D
Overall I would highly reccomend this game to people who enjoy games such as COD, or Destiny, or any other similar shooter game, the single player campaign is slighlty lacking, but I think it more than makes up for it in mutliplayer, and there's no better time to buy it, with how cheap it is.
EA are having a massive publisher sale at the moment on Xbox, and maybe even other platforms, but I can't really confirm that. Pretty much all of their mainstream games are on sale, you can pick up Fifa 17 for £27.00 (Standard edition) and there's a double pack of Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 Deluxe for just under £40.00. Mahoosive bargain and money saving potential right there.
*Warning Potential Spoilers*
So now down to the nitty gritty and my thoughts about this game. I never got the opportunity to play the Beta/Mech Tests, so it is solely based on the completed game. The first major difference between this one and its predecessor is that it has a single-player campaign. A long overdue one might I add. You start the game by doing a calibration inside a Titan, like in the first one, then carry out a training exercise. You have to complete this within 2 minutes and the time it takes you determines your recommended skill level for continuing the game (It recommended that I play mine on Hard - fook that). Once you have completed your induction if you like, and battle through a couple of scenarios, you get your very own Titan called BT. You can develop a relationship with BT, by picking your own answer to the questions he asks you, and your responses are tailored to the environment. I haven't played far enough through yet, so I'm not too sure if the choices you make and answers you provide will have that much of a massive impact on the game, but I'll let you know as I play through it.
I am instantly attached to BT, and rather than just being a 'Mech suit' it actually has a personality of its own, and its sole job is to follow the mission and protect the pilot (you). I can see the relationship developing quite nicely, and the humour and sassiness the developers have added to BT's dialogue, has made me giggle a couple of times, I'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
Now there doesn't appear to many main story missions, though further expansion may be available for this. The missions that I have played through seem at best a little mediocre, and a some a little bit tedious. I found myself falling off certain parts of the map a few times, trying to reach the destination. There is a cool new feature which is a 'Ghost Route' this is basically a tutorial which shows you the route you need to take to reach your destination, and then you replicate it, not as easy as it sounds, and can become frustrating especially considering you don't get your double jump ability immediately.
I have played a handful of missions and noticed that you come across a boss battle in the early stages of the game (mission 3), you come across a boss named Kane, who of course has a stronger Titan than you, and has a little titan buddy that fights alongside him. This frustrated the hell out of me, and I just couldn't do it on 'Regular' difficulty, so switched this up to Easy just for that mission (I know I'm a noob, I'm so sorry) and completed it in like 5 seconds, nice 30G achievement for that though as well (it's all about those G's). There are also these really annoying exploding spiders that cause absolute chaos... you barely manage to get away from one, but there were 6 that came at me... like come on, chill pal.
I think the game seems to flow better, there has obviously not been much change in the core development of the game, the controls seem much more fluid, and it's a lot easier to combine skills such as a double jump with a wall jump, I don't now there's just something about it that just seems to flow a little bit better, the core gameplay has not changed, but it somehow just feels like a brand new game, albeit a little mediocre, I feel there could have been more development time spent in campaign, but hey I get why not, there's only about 5% of people who actually bother to complete the whole thing.
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The Exploding Spider Bombs! |
It is clear to me that most of the development of this game has been focussed around Multiplayer. I found Multiplayer a really pleasurable experience, with quick loading screens and pretty decent matchmaking, there weren't any players who were hundreds of levels above you killing everyone and everything in site, it all seemed to flow well. There's a nice option to also choose your own server, it has a handy stat telling you what the ping is, making your online games flow better.
There are a few cool new titans and load outs that have come with the Deluxe edition of the game, one with an awesome plasma rifle! There is a store option where you can buy premium load outs and titans to use in-game, they're about £4.00 each, not really sure how much of an advantage they give you, because I haven't bought them.
There are a couple of new game modes that have been added online, 'Live Fire' which is kind of like Capture the Flag mixed with Hardpoint and a bit of Search and Destroy, the aim of the game is to either kill the entire opposing team, or be holding the flag when the time runs out, it's very fast paced, wham bam thank you mam action, something I like and it flows beautifully in Titanfall 2. You now also have the option of searching for games that you only want to play, and all the classics are back, Capture the Flag, Hardpoint, Free-for-all, Team Deatmatch (although not called that). It is nice to see some nice large maps, suited to all player types, whether you're the run and gun type, or the sniper or the medium range fighther, there is plenty for everyone. It is also nice to see the return of some familiar maps, and the return of AI as well, everytime I kill loads of Ai I always feel like an absolute champion haha. The last titan standing is an awesome game mode as well, whoever holds on for 3 rounds is the winner, or literally until the last titan stands, that'll never be me! :D
Overall I would highly reccomend this game to people who enjoy games such as COD, or Destiny, or any other similar shooter game, the single player campaign is slighlty lacking, but I think it more than makes up for it in mutliplayer, and there's no better time to buy it, with how cheap it is.
Dweelan's Game Rating:
Call of Duty,
Fifa 17,
Titanfall 2,
Xbox One
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
3 Xbox One/PC Games You NEED to Play...
So I've spent a lot of time playing some games here and there since I've been quiet on YouTube, I find myself with less and less spare time to actually sit and commit to editing videos, and uploading them to YouTube, it ended up feeling like a bit of chore, and it lost it's fun a bit for me. It's been nice to sit back keep away from it all, and just relax and have fun, because I got way too competitive, and it got dangerously close to becoming my life.
I am coming back to YouTube, slowly but surely and once the new room and desk (and mic arm) come I shall be back to it as soon as I am able, as it was fun, but I just need to realise when to back off.
So I've decided to share with you, some of the games that I have been playing over the past few months, some of these are addictive AF, so I give you prior warning.
I'll put a little rating of each game for you from 1-5 trophies (basically the same as like a star rating) if there's a really awesome game that you should definitely check out, I'll give it the golden trophy treatment ;)
1. Grand Theft Auto V (5)
What can I say about this game? The reviews and videos speak volumes, but I have had so much fun playing the campaign with my girlfriend, although we got frustrated at each other (plenty of times) it was massively worth it, to finally get 100% game completion, the first GTA we have ever got this for! It took some doing, it took a fair few hours, some YouTube guides to show where all the
Spaceship Parts and Letter Fragments are, but we got there in the end! You get a better experience on Xbox One in opinion, but I'm biased because I prefer console games, but with PC you can obviously add Mods, and truetones to make it look like there are more realistic cities and vehicles etc. However try not to go online with Mods, because they will find you pretty much instantly and *poof* banned for a few days, you have been warned ;) The only reason it hasn't received a better rating, is because some of the missions can become a little repetitive such as the 'Strangers and Freaks' or the required, past times etc. that you need to complete for 100% game completion. Here's to GTA VI (6).
I would recommend playing this game cooperatively with at least 1 other person, it is possible to play yourself, but the chefs you control complete actions slower, so it's definitely best to get a helping hand. The only thing that lets this game down is the lack of achievements for Xbox One, it comes with a load of DLC, but you only get the achievement points for the base game, but you should unlock 1000G pretty quickly within about 4-6 hours.
I am coming back to YouTube, slowly but surely and once the new room and desk (and mic arm) come I shall be back to it as soon as I am able, as it was fun, but I just need to realise when to back off.
So I've decided to share with you, some of the games that I have been playing over the past few months, some of these are addictive AF, so I give you prior warning.
I'll put a little rating of each game for you from 1-5 trophies (basically the same as like a star rating) if there's a really awesome game that you should definitely check out, I'll give it the golden trophy treatment ;)
1. Grand Theft Auto V (5)
What can I say about this game? The reviews and videos speak volumes, but I have had so much fun playing the campaign with my girlfriend, although we got frustrated at each other (plenty of times) it was massively worth it, to finally get 100% game completion, the first GTA we have ever got this for! It took some doing, it took a fair few hours, some YouTube guides to show where all the
Spaceship Parts and Letter Fragments are, but we got there in the end! You get a better experience on Xbox One in opinion, but I'm biased because I prefer console games, but with PC you can obviously add Mods, and truetones to make it look like there are more realistic cities and vehicles etc. However try not to go online with Mods, because they will find you pretty much instantly and *poof* banned for a few days, you have been warned ;) The only reason it hasn't received a better rating, is because some of the missions can become a little repetitive such as the 'Strangers and Freaks' or the required, past times etc. that you need to complete for 100% game completion. Here's to GTA VI (6).
Dweelan's Game Rating:
2. Overcooked
Overcooked is a simple yet addictive platform that will have you playing for hours and hours (or at least until you unlock all of the achievements in the game). If you've ever played Diner Dash or Cooking Mama, or other time management games, then this is for you. Not only do you have to be extremely quick on your feet, but you need to battle your way through moving terrain, conveyor belts, fire, ice you name it! It provides a whole new dimension to time management based games and makes everything a little more tricky than you first anticipated. The final boss at the end of the game took us a good few attempts, the boss basically requires all types of food from all levels in the game, so you have to your wits about you.
I would recommend playing this game cooperatively with at least 1 other person, it is possible to play yourself, but the chefs you control complete actions slower, so it's definitely best to get a helping hand. The only thing that lets this game down is the lack of achievements for Xbox One, it comes with a load of DLC, but you only get the achievement points for the base game, but you should unlock 1000G pretty quickly within about 4-6 hours.
Dweelan's Game Rating:
3. Slime Rancher
This is a game that is currently still in development and is in its 'Early Access' phase on Steam, and 'Game Preview' stage on Xbox One, it has been in development for around 2 years now, and they are planning on a full release in Spring 2017. At first glance, it looks like it is a kids game, you have a gun and you get to collect blobs and shoot things, it is so much more than this! It's an adventure game with the right level of sass and personality, I guarantee you will be hooked from the start.waaaaay too late! You know this getting the golden trophy treatment, you just need to go out there and buy this game, help out the developers release more awesome features!
The main objectives are to collect various slimes throughout the ranch, with varying difficulty. Breed them, feed them, and collect resources from them. Use these resources to buy upgrades, purchase expansions, unlock new areas in the ranch and much more! I played this game off-the-cuff for one day and literally spent a whole night playing it, and I wanted to keep playing but it was getting. I don't even think there's any game out there like this. I might be wrong, though? That has been known (as my girlfriend will attest to). I am totally buying this game on every platform. Addicted much?
Dweelan's Game Rating:
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