Sunday, 8 March 2015

COD AW - New Level/Update #2...

Good afternoon, I played a little Call of Duty Advanced Warfare last night as I wasn't tired and wanted to get to the next prestige level.

I've always said that I'm not the best COD player, but what really pulls me away from the game is getting private messages, such as the one I got last night from someone saying 'Thanks for doing nothing'

Well I'm sorry that I don't choose to spend my full day playing COD, or have as much time to devote into becoming a great player as you do, I play COD as often or as little as I like, and just because I don't fit into your 'Elite' crew of great players, please don't try and blame me for loosing the game, if I was such a bad player, then where were you? I seem to remember me being on my own for most of the match...

This really bugs the hell out of me when stuff like this happens grrrr! OK sorry, rant over...

I did eventually get some good games going last night, it normally takes me 2 or 3 matches to get into the game, and ended up frequently having lots of kills, my personal best for today was 30 Kills, 8 Deaths - Go me! lol

I have now advanced to Prestige Level 5 in game, I love the calling card and emblem, but I was a little disappointed as you don't earn any cool items for getting to Prestige 5 (Oh well) but the symbol for 5th prestige is pretty cool...

5th Prestige Emblem
On the subject of Prestiges in COD AW, I talked briefly about an update patch that went out not so long ago, which included the ability to buy advanced supply drops, aside from the poor reviews of the items in those supply drops, there has also been 15 new prestige levels added to the game bringing the total up to a massive 30 prestige levels, Each emblem is the same as before, but is known as 'Master Prestige' and you also get shiny gold emblems to show off on your calling cards!

Once you've mastered the second set of prestige levels, you take the coveted title of 'Grand Master Prestige' ooooooh sexy!

It has also been confirmed that once you enter the Master Prestige levels, your challenges and operations do not reset, making it a lot easier to get that crucial XP... BONUS!!

Moreover you can earn exclusive Royalty loadout items (pictured below), and what's even better is that after each Master Prestige level you get to, you can earn prestige weapon loot, so basically you get a free Elite weapon which includes some of the best elite weapons in the game (I might add)... I'm nowhere near that stage yet, but I'm #EXCITED. (You can't get the AK12 R,I,P though, slightly disappointed but hey ho)

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