Wednesday, 4 March 2015

COD AW - Personal Achievement...

Good afternoon, hope you all managed to have a nice lie in, I know I said I would only post one a day, but I came across this picture and wanted to share it with the world, because i'm 'Buzzing' about it, if you don't know what buzzing is, then basically it's another word for really really excited/happy.

I'm not a chav also I might add, but I do often get 'Buzzing' lol...

So I was playing Call of Duty Advanced Warfare with my clan, on Domination (Which is my favorite game mode), and we were playing on a map Called instinct, which is one of my favorites as well, and the end result for me, was aaammaazziinnng!!!

Sorry JENNorthernSoul we love you really :P
So as you can see the end result was a very tasty 55 kills, and a very very respectable 10 deaths, this is a mixture of using my favorite gun in a COD game everrrr the AK12 R.I.P splashed with a gold camo, I do have diamond camo for this, but it just doesn't have the same effect:

And using my scorestreaks usually the system hack, the sentry gun, the warbird and the paladin, I always have my warbird set to 'Defender' so it will seek out targets near me and kill them, I personally feel this is better than aggressor, because it just seems to have a break and get some mojitos or something without actually killing anything, my sentry gun acts as a sentry and can fully rotate 360° I think I got my first ever 30+ kills without dying in this particular match, and considering I'm not really the greatest player in the world, I'm proud of that!

Sorry the picture quality isn't great, its just a pic from my phone, until my capture card arrives in the next few weeks :)

Enjoy your afternoon.

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